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A member registered Jun 07, 2019

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this should be a steam game by now right? its that good i can only think about whats to come of this game

thank you for your kind words marine 

ok forget my last comment you were right each symbol shows  the same pattern  and i got more health

uhhh dude you know which im talking about right cause that code dosent work its a 3 by 4 you did a 4 by 4

this really has expanded a bunch when i first played also in this one room with 12 panels whats thee code?

is the true ending when i turn into the dragon

my highscore  for this game is 68050

i did it? i feel like i missed something

i know i may have been rude before and im sorry also the reason i have a new account is because i couldn't post in my last last for some reason also for starters on this game when the germs get passed -7 they appear and there to fast and in the gray zone there are to many small gaps (also my high score is at 595 so haha) also could if im the first to set the highscore on this game thanks for reading